17 years and 8 crores later, we got a 1000 page document that can be best described as “Expensive Paper Weight “. The findings of the Liberhan commission In my opinion was anything but earth shattering to say the least. In my personal opinion it did not reveal any new information regarding people culpable for the unfortunate events of December 6th 1992.
If you were to ask educated man in India with decent sense of history & politics as why, how and who were responsible for the unfortunate events December 6th, I am sure his answer would very close to the “findings” (If one can use that word) of the Liberhan commission. So what did the commsion accomplish? Even after 17 years of investigation the report is unable to produce any facts that can hold their weight in court. So sad is the state of affairs that the 13 page action taken report tabled by the government does not involve athe charge sheeting of any of the accused. (Link for ATR: http://news.rediff.com/report/2009/nov/24/action-taken-report-of-liberhan-commission.htm).
Makes you wonder what the objective of the Liberhan commission was? Is he not accountable in any manner for the time delay and squandering of tax payer money?
The sorry state of affairs does not end here; the report throws minimal light and blame on then Prime Minister P.V Narasimha Rao . As one reputed journalist once remarked” the man turned the act of inaction in to a form of Decision making”. Then home minister Shankar Rao chavan has also been overlooked by the report.
Then there is Mr. L.K Advani who till today claims that the demolition of the Babri Masjid was the saddest day in his life, I say what a hypocrite!! Mr. Advani went on rath yatras across the breadth of India to mobilse karsevaks for the every purpose of bringing the mosque down but says he never wanted it to come down. You gather a mob, work them up in to frenzy point them in the direction of the apparent enemy and then walk 200 yards away and stand and watch the surgical demolition of a structure. Then claim that you were unable to control them as they were too many of them overcome religious fervor. The man exemplifies lack of moral responsibility, moral character and honesty.
Every sane person in India knows that there is no way you bring a massive structure like a Masjid within 12 hours if you do not plan. All you need to do is go to youtube put in the word Barbri Masjid and you will get a whole set of videos showing the inflammatory speeches given by all the political heavy weights in days leading up to the demolition. One can even seeMr. Vajpayee doing the same. I cannot understand, what is the hue and cry regading Mr. Vajpayee name being mentioned is all about ? Are you telling me that he had prior knowledge of what was going to happen, come on man!! everybody in India knew what was going to happen next, so how do you expect me to believe that even the most moderate voice of the BJP inner circle was not in on it. Yes he was not present in Ayodhya so what does that prove?
The truth is that these people and other politicians who used religion for politics are responsible for the loss of life that followed and since then every political party has used this unfortunate event in the history of India for its own mileage in some form or the other. No one is really interested in bringing the culprits to justice. It is all a bloody sham.
If you want a copy of Liberhan commission report please leave comment with your email and I will email it to you.