About 3 months back I was basking in the glory of receiving a juicy Q1 bonus while at Google. I was living the good life, a Pepsi in my hand ( which seems to be really hard to find here as Coke seems to have taken over everything here), free food ( chaat) a free ride to office, playing sports at office, after office, at offsites and basically all the perks of being a Googler. For all you people who are not from Google, an employee of Google is called aGoogler.

But what followed was a case of.... hmmm I still am trying to figure out why I did .. what I did?? I quit Google to pursue a Masters degree. I know what you going to say please lets just skip those obvious questions. Also I have got to the point now that I tell people I was working TCS ( no disrespect to TCS) but yeah generally people do not ask much after that one statement so I like it. The reason for this being I had reached breaking point when some one here asked me, if it was the call center division that I had worked for???

Basically long story short I got to the US . Then as one among the million plus Indian students over here I started my hunt for an on campus job so as to ease the burden on my pocket. I was pretty confident of me finding a job why?? I was from Google and I can not possibly not find a job right. Wrong !! I got rejected all most all technical jobs I applied for Why?? because I was over qualified I am not kidding even for jobs that I had no clue about, like stuff to do with PHP and dreamweaver. They actaully mailed saying that I ( technologically challenged Mohith) was over qualified (Josh stop laughing).

Yes my life had flip 180 in three months I had gone from the guy on the outside looking in to the guy on the inside dying to get out. Worst are the line's you get from people " dont wory re it is all an expierence" You know what dont give me those cliched dialogues. It is not okay !!! beacuse stading for 4 hours straight cleaning tables mopping the floor is not okay!!
Honestly I would love to quit but one has to pay the bill. So I will prolong my agony till... whenever I guess. I do come back from work and look at snaps from my time at Google and think atleast I can say I have been there not many others who can do that right!!