It is that time of year again, when you have entrance exams for engineering colleges left right and center. VITEE is one such exam; it is the entrance exam for VIT University (Vellore). Being a graduate of the 2007 batch in mechanical engineering I would like to share with you my experiences. VIT University is situated in the city of Vellore in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu.
For all of you who have no clue about where Vellore is, let me put it to you this way it about 4 hrs from Bangalore by train and 2 hrs from Chennai by train. At the outset please be warned that Vellore is no thriving metropolis.
There are only two places of significance in Vellore, one is VIT University and the other is Christian Medical College. Both are at opposite ends of the city. To say That VIT university is a concrete jungle would be an understatement.
The campus can basically be divided into two parts by a railway line.
a) Main campus b) Boys hostel
The main campus has buildings which house all the academic departments. The highlight of the campus side structures are the technology tower and the state of the library building. The technology has possess a large number of state of art smart class rooms and auditoriums.
In the recent Past VIT University has played host to large number of international conferences eg. GCMM, AIMTDR & CARS AND FOF. The library is a four floored fully air conditioned building with a large stock course study content.
The hostels are maintained very well, the choice of rooms range from A/C rooms to four bedded rooms. The mess food is exactly what you would expect from a mess (open for interpretation). One thing the college has in abundance is facilities for sports, it ranges from multiple floodlit basketball courts to Olympic size swimming pools. There are two football fields, one cricket field & an indoor sports complex on its way to completion.
As far education goes I would say it is quite respectable. Placement is never a problem for a student in VIT University. A large number of students also tend pursue higher education abroad.
Ranking of Departments in VIT University in my opinion:
1) Mechanical & Civil
2) Biotechnology
3) EEE
4) CSE & IT
Facts About VIT University
All in all, mind your business stick to your life and don not get in anyone's way. You can have a good time.
Interesting Facts about Vellore
There are only about 4-5 places to eat or go to chill as one would say in the town. Please be cautioned there is no night life in Vellore, unless you count the time spent in running from one room to another to hide from your not-so-benevolent warden. There is only one Movie Theater which screens Hindi movies. The name of the best hotel in town is Darling Residency.
Auto guys will fleece you at every given opportunity.Please note from the station to the College main gate it costs anywhere between 25-30 Rs/-, DO NOT PAY MORE.All those people coming from the north please note that a paratha and parotta are two different things.
Life at VIT university is pretty much the same as elsewhere. One needs a golf cart to get around campus because it is so huge. Students choose to spend their time at various locations in the campus itself as the city of Vellore does not offer much in the way of entertainment for the young.
Several students can be found in the library right from it's opening time at 9 am upto midnight, mostly because of the incredible amount of reference material, but also because (i suspect) of the escape its quiet, air-conditioned, almost palatial interiors provide from the oppressive heat outside.
You know...I didn't find VIT to be a concrete jungle. I thought the landscaping was quite pretty, and some of the buildings showed architectural flair...the shaded walkways were handy. As universities in India go, at least in So. India, I found it quite nice. It's not as snazzy as an IIT, but the resources are of course different.
Hey Nancy I agree with you about shaded walkways and the definitely landscaping is pretty but what I meant by concrete jungle is the amount of buildings present. Hey in all fairness I love my college and had a great time there.
There was not a bit of foul language used in describing the VIT. I hurt.
Hi Mohith
I got you through google search to find out the general opinion of the people studying in VIT. I got rank 1665 this year VITEEE 08.
I am interested in Mechanical and was delighted that you have rated Mechanical & Civil as the number one course in VIT. I also belong to Madras though I did my +2 from Bhopal and hence know both Parantha and Parota.
Should I join VIT rather than joining NITs which are situated far away from Madras ?
I request you to guide me on this pls.
hey congrats on the rank, in response to your question i would say go to vit if you want exposure see what exists beyond the world of books not to say that vit has no academics like i said it is respectable.
col is gettin new things now ..
the girls a and b bock are becomin boys 1st yr blocks and the girls blocks r beyond the tt , next to mother teresa block...
you forgot to mention about the fact tat the lib has many copies of the book u really dont want
well readin ur posts i fel vit a kewl place n will njoy al 4 yrs..
_____________________vibhu [:O]_______________
i got 2082 rank in VITEEE 2008..plannin 2 join VIT...and i do know Tamil...well, so do i go 2 VIT????
which branch wud b da best 4 a gurl 2 take? Mech, ECE or CSE?
dude i have addressed your concerns about ragging just read all my posts under the label VIT university
if you need to know anything more just let me know.
ill be joining VIT on 9th july 2008. thanks for the insight dude.i appreciate it.
Just wanted to congratulate you on having written the most sensible piece of info on VIT i have ever read. Usually all other threads are filled with inane crap. this was a breath of fresh air. Wish i had such insight before i had joined.
hey i have also taken admission in vit, Btech mechanical engg.
actually it's not an easy thing to go so so far amidst all dese madrasis
i stay in faridabad , this is near delhi
i belong to a lower middle class family, so i cannot afford to go by air,
spending 2 days in d train to reach dere, is really tiring
i will actually miss my home very badly for d 1st few months
i just hope that i get some very good cooperative friends dere
otherwise it will be impossible for me to live dere
hope to come out as a totally diff.
personality when i come back after 4 years, and hope that i have made
d right decision by choosing vit, as i had many more choices
hey m0h!th
please tell me abt the ragging in d vit hostels i am really worried abt that
and r u doing an Mtech now, or are u placed in a company ?
if yes ' then which company is it?
actually i hav also taken mech. engg.
Hey dude like I said I have passed out of coll last yr now I am working in Google.
very decent comments about VIT...dude u r in love with the frigging coll..u forgot to mention Dr. Narayanan, one of the most respectable and patietn heads of organizations ever one can meet
Hi Mohith,
It was quite informative, I am looking to put my son in VIT or any good Engineering college & surching for most of the colleges in India including IITs ( he has got confirmed seat in paid quota) but still looking to appear for VITEEE. Do you think it has worth for PAID SEAT?
V. Mishra
nice post.
btw I am planning to do CSE der.What I wanna ask is that is the CS dept all dat bad?I mean if u have the aptitude and have gud facilities,wud it be all dat bad?
the reason I chose vit is that i think access to furthur education abroad wud be easier.And,what is that semester abroad prog all about?does it involve btech students?
from my time at vit I feel it is worth it.... because there is a lot more than just academic education to be learnt ... and by the academic standards are also pretty high i assure you...
yes you are right VIT has a very good reputation abroad ... and it will help you to get in to a good graduate school ... yes the study abroad program does invlove btech students a couple of my batch mates did their a semester in germany and holland
I jus want 2 ask.....
Is there ny 10+2 percentage eligibilty in seeking admission in VIT.....
suppose if a person dosen't hve 60%aggregate in PCM in 10+2 n the one has qualified VITEEE with a gud rank........will he eligible....fr the admission.....or some donation????????plz do reply soon.......
I dont think u will be eligible for VITEEE....but u can get in through mnmgt quota
thanx...so CSE in VIT...good decision?
wot's dis management quota man?????
m very eager to join dis univ. yr..!!!!!!plzz help me out if dere izz ny way.....olthuogh i've 58% in pcm will I be eligible????????
so,man r u olso appearing fr VITEEE-2009......
management quota is the same as doantion seat.... I am sure all that requires is for you jus clear your class 12th exams to be eligible for that... then there is something called NRI quota for further detaisl I suggest you amil the admissions department of the college
@ mohith....
i've already cleared ma 10+2 xams yr......
so,u mean if I clear VITEEE i'll be eligible fr d univ....coz it's written in the brouchre tht eligibilty is-60% aggregate in pcm.......
nd on dis donation one ...how much dis donation can reach upto??????
if u provide me dese info. i'll be highly obliged yr.......
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Hey Moh!t..
i treid to get an admission for 5yr intgrtd Msc Biotechnology there at VIT this year,but disppointed which is probably due to low % of English language.Now am 21 yr old and wish to try VITEEE next year for any Btech-Biosciences stream.can i apply next year with this age..?
what should be the age limit appplying for VITEEE..?
Also i have no Maths in my 10+2,then how can i appear for VITEEE since it is an Engineering based test
Hi Mohit
How did u get ur job?
is it the campus placement....do u have dual degree?
I have a dream to work with google plzzzzzzzzz help me.
I have joined in vit this year (CSE)
wt agregate must be maintained at B-tech...
An Informative blog, Good. Can you please help me to know the placements for M.Tech in the Electronics Department and the intake for each. Please make your comment as my counselling is scheduled on 23rd.
An amazingly informative article, MOH!IT. Thank you.
I am gonna finish my 12th grade this year and am looking at colleges in India. From what Ive heard, VIT seems to have issues with illegal narcotics. Is it true? Or are these just rumors?
haii, i am going 2 complrte my +2 and im trying 4 a good rank in it. but many of my frnds are saying dat vit has almost a foreign culture, which is not safe 4 us. many illegal activities like drug addiction etc., wil be there itseems. is it true or just a rumor
even many aids cases were also there itseems. is it true?
@shri & @Sush:
VIT is like any other college in the country... where things like drugs n other stuff do exsist... but no one is goin to come and force it down your throat... every1 in VIT does not do drugs !!!
Culture in VIT is different from most colleges for the fact that students in VIT coem fro0m all corners of the country .. so it is very cosmopolitan in nature ... but again
what you make of your time there is your choice .. no body forces you to do something you do not like ... remember most often it is few who give many a bad name
Genial dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
any chance of making a girlfriend in vit........i came 2 know that a girl n boy together are not taken in good sense in vit is it true
@Mohith hi im gonna finish ma +2(state board) dis march.And also im nt doing any iit coaching classes.... do i hav a chance to join VIT... if so how should i prepare please guide me......
im frm a middle class family bt my parents are ready to pay if it is VIT.....hw much do i need to pay to join VIT and if i hav gud marks will i hav any concession?pls help me out!!!!!!!!
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I'm a graduate of 2020. VIT hasn't changed a lot over the years I guess xD
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