I got up this morning to read about what is going on in India. I was for the lack of better adjective shocked, to see that jet airways had layed off over 900 employees and more were in offing. It dawned on that the financial mess of western world has implications ven in India. I guess it price of globalisation. But what really shocked me were the headlines that followed it.
1. Raj Thackery threatens to ground jet airways.
2.Mayawati & Sonia exchange blows
3.RS Mp Kanimozhi submits resignation letter to promote Sri Lankan tamil issue (DMK vociferous about support)
4.Homosexuality should be legalised says Health minister Ramadoss
ok.. I need a moment to let this all sink in. My first reaction was wow a lot can happen in one day.

I never knew that a politican holding no postion of adminstrative power or significance can make claims of grounding a entire ailine fleet. Oops!! I forgot in India it is possible to do so.. or should I say it is possible in Mumbai and West Bengal. This is coming from the same man who said north Indians should be driven out of Mumbai. In my opinion such persecution of an ethnic community makes a man no different from Hitler. But for him to dictate how a private firm operates is also preposterous. And the reason he is able to make such absurd statements is because people like you and me do not ask him to shut up!! So shut up..... and if people feel they have been dealt a bad deal then go to judiciary and not involve politics with it.

Behan Kumari Mayawati ji and Sonia Gandhi need to grow and stop with this game of out doing each other. Please people you represent the nation , this is not the way heads of state behave. I mean you have elections coming up in a few months who ever is not good will go... is that not democracy. You have no need to wash dirty linen in public by banning one from trying to play in in others back yard. I think both of more pressing issues of inflation, hunger & poverty etc to deal with. Please ladies you both have been put on the list of the worlds most powerful women, please do not let your ego get the better of the argument of who should have been ranked higher.

This one is my favourite, politicians here want to support a freedom movement (LTTE) which takes the life of many innocent people. The same organisation that assinated our leader. The question is not if their cause is justified or not but If we did support them how different are we from Pakistan, who do the same in Kashmir. They apparerenly support the Kashmiri's fight against injustice and for freedom. Again may be, the ruling party in Taml Nadu DMK should concentrate on issues of the state rather than trying to voice their support for tamils in Sri Lanka. They need to remember that their loyalty lies with Indians and not with cultural background of tamil. The daughter of the party leader resigning her post to voice her discontent with respect to the issue, makes you wonder where this is all going???

And last but not the least our great health minister, after jostling for control over AIIMS with its vice chancellor, banning smoking on screen, now banning smoking in public, wanting movie stars to stop drinking on screen and many more ideas which i hae no clue about. The man has finally out done himself. He wants to legalise homosexuality... yes folks it is illegal in India to be gay.
It is not that I am against it but the timing that astounds me. I actually do not know what to say.... if he is right or wrong. Are we mature enough to accept it?? it is one thing to say yes in a flash but in a society, which is still coming to terms with live in realtionships and so on... The issue homsexuality may be a little more than what we can handle. May be Mr. Ramadoss should deal with increasing trend of AIDS, the fact that more 17 states in the country have alarming conditions of malnutrition and hunger as declared by a recent world report. It went on to say that things in certain states were as bad as the situation in th african country Chad. Government hospitals are no where close to being respectable.
I think these itself are enough food for thought.
So please my respected country I request to handle more pressing issues that face are nation rather than play to galleries.
You know what was even funnier. Hindu quoting Raj Thackrey. " We will not allow a single Jet Airways flight to fly over Maharashtra."
Now I really wonder how they are gonna achieve that...
Absolute morons..
keep em comin...and er aint it lose and not loose?..check title
jayan: I swear who does he think is??? please keep the comments coming man ... makes me wanna keep posting
Vicky:sorry dude seem to be making that mistake a lot.... but corrected now :) n u keep reading
Mohith! Fantastic job! You've hit the nail on the head. But I have to wonder. Are silly politicians limited to India only? I think not! Our First Lady goes around slapping people, which is totally weird. And our President has no interpersonal skills, due to which our country almost came to war. What d'yu think of THAT!!!
PS. Write more!!!! I love Political Satire! :)
hey... nice to know u read my blog ... :)seriously ur first lady slaps people ??? wow!!
well said
& amen to that!
nice one dude... it is really funny to look at the hypocritical Indian critically... the point that makes most sense is tht 'people like u n me don bother'...i guess it is high time....but wher to start..we did our bit by trying to get into IAS :P
jokes apart do watch the movie 'A Wednesday'- a lot we can relate to.
Our politicians love making tall gestures that have only symbolic value like speeches and bans. It saves them from doing anything of real value. You can check out my take on Ramadoss at http://www.rameshsrivats.net/2008/11/ramadoss-meets-devadoss.html
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