The word racist is defined as "prejudice or discrimination based on the belief that race is the primary factor determining human traits and abilities. Racism includes the belief that genetic or inherited differences produce the inherent superiority or inferiority of one race over another ". Now ask any Indian you know the question, are a racist???And you will get a resounding no!! With some supporting adjectives such as “obviously not”, "are you mad" and so on.
I have till recently felt the same. In my mind racism was something to be associated with the color of skin. Demeaning people based on their color was mostly what was engraved in my mind. Thus I was very assured that this does not exist in India. Especially now considering, you can change your color using some cosmetic products. Basically it felt in India being fair was desirable but dark was also acceptable and that was about it.
But then when I thought about things like untouchability, caste system and regionalism I was not so sure any more. And then reading the headlines of papers these days where one can see politicians such as Raj Thackery and Modi make statements that openly lay siege to the very fabric of secular India. One cannot be at fault for wondering if it were true?? In case of the politicians what scares me is the fact that, such people are endorsed by our society due to a sense of misplaced communal pride.
I have experienced this communal divide first hand, during my first year in college I was ragged but I came in for special treatment from my seniors for the fact that my friend circle consisted of people who were not telugu speaking people. Absurd would you not agree?? Here comes the best part in my college which has students from all over the country, ragging was strictly community based that a telugu would rag a telugu , a mallu to a mallu and so on….
I am not free of such a charge either, I seem to harbor a sense dislike for certain communities too… which is wrong I know but it seems to have been inbred in to me. I am now in College Station, Texas. Sadly enough even here we seem to find ways to distinguish between ourselves. For example in the local cricket league here teams are named “Made in Andhra”, “Tamil Twisters” and so on…. Unfortunately I must confess in this season I played in the “Made in Andhra”. No disrespect to my teammates all fine people, I have decided not be a part of such communal symbolism in the future if it even means me not playing cricket.
We are biased in more ways than we accept but hey nobody’s perfect right. May be we are not at racism as such but we are not far from it either… The days of caste system may or may not be upon us anymore but I am sure communal sentiments and extreme feelings about religion are things we can do without. It definitely good to be proud of who you are and your culture but so as long as it not at the expense of the other. We have enough reasons to fight among ourselves … we do not need another.
expected such a post from u long long back....finally it came.:)
ANd we become 'non racist on the basis of color. ask the matrimonial columns about color to see their true colors:)
and look who is talking....someone I guess still has a prejudice against fair girls... is that not racism??
as much as id love 2 comment on ur post Mo, Im tempted to comment on a commenter(Ro)..here goes...
strongly disagree macha...Liking fair girls is Taste..(aint racism)..if mo is biased towards treating a fair girl den its racism..likin fair skin is purely a factor of appeal..
I hate fair skin..cuz it just doesnt appeal to me..for me eva mendes, priyanka chopra or nandita das are a million times hotter than yana gupta, katrina or eelisha cuthbert..its simply a matter of taste...every human being has it embedded...
Racism is a whole different issue...
hey..decided it was time I comment on one of your posts! It's been a while :P I think Indians are racist. Maybe not in the conventional way as the rest of the world defines it. Everyone usually falls into classifications, sometimes we do it consciously - most of the time, we don't. We seem to love generalizations. In college, there was always the tamil gang, mallu gang, the northies, the southies etc etc..you get my drift! It's a weird world we live in.
I guess i agree with Mo and Ro...Groupism is always there...most people tend to hang out with 'their kind' (read speaking d same language) bcoz they think its easier to relate...its just something that you are taught not to believe in school and then are taught to believe in by peers in college and further on...its the instant bonding funda i think...
You're prejudice! Read my blog "Come on admit it your're predudice" at www.mattg05.wordpress.com
Hahaha.. Made in Andhra! Priceless.
I totally agree with you man. Indians, especially become highly communal, when they are out of india! I learnt about all the cast, sub-castes, dialects, regions, politics, politics & communalism in films (the list goes on) in AP when I was in Dubai of all places.
Indians are truly different. Where you expect unity (in foreign lands) there is even more diversity.
aaah.. hmmm I am actually scared to say anything. Before I know it I could be branded a bigot.
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=racist has some heart felt definitions for this.
Everyone might know what it is, but you really have to be at the receiving end to understand it I guess.
@paandi:I yam mallu, therefore I yam better than you!!
@Macha... Interests are different from prejudices. Mo doesnt have any particular interest in any color...but he has a certain prejudice AGAINST fair girls... agreed when you say it is a factor of appeal but in most cases it does not stay that way.
Hey Mo,
Nice post. I agree with Rii. Racism was always a part of who we are and what we do, to an extent. In Africa, there is a lot of racism between the true Africans and the Indo-Africans, and this can be seem in every moment of every time. I don't suppose you can help that. But in India, I think the true concept of racism is really only between the caste systems, and that too, its cos its been bred for thousands of years (It aint automatic). But between the states, its just a case of the moral supremacy theory.
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