Of late I have realized that the number of apparent football fans has increased exponentially, especially when it comes to club football. For some reason it is the in thing among the "wannabe" crowd and they actually believe it’s cool. I am one for the concept of spreading the sport I love it and the joy that comes from it but I cannot stand the fact that people think this is a first class ticket to being cool.
The thing that put's me off the most is every one of these new age football fans are Manchester United fans not because of the club or the way their style or brand of football but because they know 3 or 4 names from that team and also because a knock off or " fake " Man U jersey is very easy to find. Ask them who plays for Man U and you will get 3 names ronaldo, rooney and may be a Giggs and then the awkward silence .... Hmmm. Then there are those who say they support the team because of its color ... what??? yes it happens.
Then it gets worse these apparent lovers of sport will debate with an ardent & true sports fan about the game. Honestly I know no one is born with knowledge of the history of sports, everyone learns as they go along. But if you choose to feign your love for sports that is downright disgusting and sad. So all pseudo sports lovers, wear jersey's of teams you know nothing about or shoot of the first 2 lines about the club that you read on Wikipedia and revel in the fact that in apparently makes you “cool ". But the truth is you are missing out on the real pleasure of enjoying the beautiful game and I feel sorry for you.
P.S I wear fake jerseys too because I cannot afford the price that comes with the originals... but I atleast know the name on the front and the back.
Hahaha dude.. you hit the nail bang on the right spot! What triggered you to post this man?
Aaah we can thrash this for ages.. all fucking pseud fans man, the other day at Xtreme all these wannabe ManUtd assholes. I was pretty sure they didn't know the name of the stadium or even who Manu was playing. Overall still they make for good entertainment value.
On a side note, I still hate ManUtd, though you gotta give it to them for being such a top club and If only Ronaldo could cut out on all the antics I could maybe just maybe agree on him being one of the best there is.
The acting cool because I have a Ronaldinhio barca tshirt even though he no longer plays for barca, omg what?? when did that happen?? morons are still a dime a dozen... I did rather stayed home and watched IPL or India play Srilanka for 5 whole days or something.
Come on man! Just because I like the color of the jersey and stuck up wannabe jocks like you keep asking me stupid questions about some idiot who I dont care about who kicks the ball around doesn't mean I am not a fan.
I mean come on, I want to go to the sports bar and drink beer and flex my gym muscles too. I mean come on! ...
Arbit Joebot trip taking, got nothing to do with this post..
Just noticed this..
"you hit the nail bang on the right spot"??
Is it just me or something feels strangely outa place here??
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