It is about 5:30 in the morning in the U.S and I am watching a press conference being held in Mumbai by TATA Motors to announce a commercial release of the TATA NANO. I cannot but help be filled with a sense of immense pride today. I fully acknowledge the critics and their views about this automotive innovation but I strongly feel today is a red letter day for the Indian nation as whole.
It is often referred to as the “cheapest” car but I seem to think the word "cheapest"seems to take away the monumental technological achievement of this endeavour. Even 5 years ago if someone told you that a car would be available to for 1 lakh you would laugh and come to think of it most in the western world still think it is a joke. It might look just like a tin can with wheels but even that is not so easy to put together as one may think.
Today when the automotive industry is in a slump like never before, the last place one would have expected a technological development in automotive sector to come from ...... was India.
This seems to be a very incoherent post in many ways but it is something I feel very strongly about. If anyone in the world needed more proof that best and brightest people come from India well .... here is another example of it. You said it was impossible well .... India made it possible.
Basically I think it time to kiss the slumdog issue goodbye ..... we have some thing new !!! the NANO ...
Thank you Ratan TATA... for TATA NANO
:) :)
As happy as I'm about this ..
What about the point that a lot of cities are not getting a go about the release of this car?
and then traffic?? lettting this car into the hands of folks who never laid their hands on cycle or a scooter too and their driving skills ?? :O
Lets hope for the best :)
i m a proud indian, but dont u think about the environment. what happens when everyone buys a car instead of a motorcycle and the driving in India is most popular.
I agree on the the environmental point view and also agree with the traffic problems that arise .... I am from hyderabad .. trust I now about traffic troubles... I just wanted to highlight the Technological aspect .. of this achievemnt ... :)
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