Friday, November 7, 2008


On the 4th of November 2008 Barack Obama became the 44th president elect of the United States of America. For many people in the USA of it was day they had been waiting for from time immemorial. People rejoiced in the streets with celebrations, the likes of which one had never seen before. The tears flowed from the eyes of one and all irrespective of the background. The walls of old had been torn down. And yes!! Then there was the victory speech that gave even the most uninterested person a Goosebumps or two...

At the risk of sounding very dead.... I would say was this not expected?? Ok i Guess there is a lot of difference between expecting and happening. But still why were there people in Italy, France, India and other corners of the world celebrating?? It was not like they had got a new president right?? Not like their lives were going to undergo a drastic change. Basically you get the picture.

May be just may be for those few hours.. The people of the world forgot about differences brought about by flags and history. It was like the world had united for one cause, to weed out the division of race. It did not mean that from that moment on we would not have racism anywhere in the world. It just said we can change one small step at a time in the right direction. Was he the right choice for office? Is he the one that will steer America through its toughest times in nearly a century...? Only time will tell. But for now let us rejoice in the fact that all challenges that face human nature and our deepest darkest evils can be overcome.

I was fortunate enough to hear Obama's victory speech live (thank you BBC) and at every single moment of that speech I felt history was being made. I have not been a witness to much history being made in my time and what I have been witness to has only been the worst that can be brought out in man. From assassination of the prime minister of my country, to riots that have shook the very fundamental principles of my nation, the birth and rise of terrorism. I have also seen good but it has always been overshadowed by the bad and the ugly. But that speech and what had transpired before it has proven to me things can change and will change but everything needs time and effort.

So maybe I am... Sorry let me correct that... I know am not wrong in thinking of India's moment of change is coming too. Hope is very integral to our cause and we should never lose sight of it.

P.S if you have not watched the speech I suggest you watch it!!!


gsk said...

very true!

but then with the kind of candidates up for the next elections (Andhra), I wouldn't count on that...

Rehana said...

Hey Mohith.. Loved this post.. ANd I've one quite similar to this.. At least the beginning of it.. :) Check it out! :)