Before you read this post I would like mention that I am not an anti-feminist, bigot, woman hater and so on. The other day one of my female friends here at college station was inquiring if she were to work in the dining center I was previously working at ( P.S Now I am computer technician ... all of you stop laughing!!!) would she have to do the same work as me ?? or would they take in to account the fact that is a girl and go easy on her...
And Immediately my mind went back to the time I was class 7 or grade 7, it was Geography class and we were expected to turn in our weekly home work before the start of the class. As usual suspects go I was on the top of the list of the guys who would not complete their home work and generally it was only the boys who did not adhere to the deadline. But that day was different ... the teacher walked in to the class and promptly asked all the students who have not completed the assignment to stand up and guess what ??? the unthinkable had happened a few of the girls also had not finished their assignment. Hmm now this unchartered terrritory... the boys were already getting ready to go out of the class kneel down in the corridor and complete their assignment which was normal protocol and every one assumed the girls would have to do the same but then the teacher said " alright you girls can submit your work tomorrow but you gettt out of my class ". Explanation as in words of the teacher " they are girls they are different". As any normal teenager ( rebel with absolutely no cause and bad hair cuts " mushroom cut was the in thing at that time") my friends and I went on bitching spree as to how easy girls have it in life. We still do it even now for fun but not with any feeling of animosity its now a "guy thing".
But actually when I think about it has always been diffrerent for girls. Think if you are running late for school and there is no way you are getting to there on time and you say " hey dad I am kinda late can you please drop me" and then 9 times out ten if you are guy this is wat u will get as a reply " who asked you to get up so late ... I am not going to drop you ... learn to get up early". Pretty sure that it is not the same with girl. Then there is dad I want to go for a movie ... dad " ok here is 50 rs have fun " ... hey that will be enough for the auto alone... dad " so go by bus " .... you get the picture.
And then there the whole academics part .... I have noticed that more often than not you find that the topper of any class that you are a part of is a girl .... strange eh... I do not mean that they achieve it by cheating or something just feel they have a lot less distrations to deal with when school or college. ( P.S This post is mainly focussed through the " teenage years" )
Ask my friend Jayan about how and why are guys n girls different ??? he was asked same question during our farewell in school ... he worked himself in to such a mess trying to answer this one . ( advice: dont ever go down that line... it never ends well)
Now when it comes to realtionships I dont get this whole "different" funda. A guy who has had many realtionships, flirts with numerous females and so on is reffereed to as " stud " by peers I mean he is literally " the MAN!! " but apply the same attributes to girl and somehow she is the one who is frowned upon .... she is the one about whom one whispers to his friend.... " wohi hai re" ... really does not make sense to me.
In a realtionship the guy is the one who is suppose to ask the girl out why? equal relationship n all but the initiative has to be from the guy why?
I guess some questions are better left unanswered.
Then there is part as girls grow older the rules get more and more stringent. Home before nightfall .... and so on....
All in all.... I think things are just different for girls questions such why and how are unimportant ... they just are ... I never thought I would say this but my geography teacher was right.
Girls are different!!!!!!!!