One of the things nobody warned me about being a grad student in the US of A was about how I would become best friends with my laptop. Hold on !! I have not lost it, I have not turned in to a nut job or something.... relax!! I am perfectly okay!! But the truth is that my life would come to a standstill without my laptop. And another thing that people do not warn you about is how often you reminisce about the past, more often than not most of your sentences start with " when I was ..... " basically it sucks even more when that voice in your head says " there... you are doing it again" but I can’t help it .
Coming back to my laptop I have watched.... way too many documentaries and TV series since I got here ... that I think it’s time they coined a new phrase for someone who cannot stop himself from doing so. But the point is I watched this TV series called Friday Night Lights on the recommendation of one of my friends, Mayank. I think it is one of the most awesome TV series I have ever watched, if you are lover of sports this is a must watch, it’s not only about sports but being a teenager. I could relate to it a lot but then again as most of friends will tell you I just like relating to sports!!! There is the song at end of season 1 called "devil town" which in context of the series makes sense to a very great degree but the song made me think about my time at VIT. I felt it seemed apt to sum up my time there.
I just felt that the one thing I take from my college years is that.... I learnt nobody is perfect, we all make mistakes... some of them real huge mistakes that need to go in the stupidity hall of fame but at the end of the day I doubt that I would trade in the time we had at college for anything. I miss my friends from my time there. A few of them... I am in touch with even now but with most of them I have done a miserable job of staying in touch... which I regret. So this post is dedicated to all those people out there... Miss ya Guys !!! Will not forget the good times or the bad take care.
P.S 486, 118, 319, 224, 315, main court and the field… miss them the most
1 comment:
No mention of your G BLOCK room no? I guess that has it's own reasons ;)
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