This is a follow up on my previous post VIT University. As VITEE results were announced it would help a lot of students looking for information on VIT University. General information has been posted in previous post on VIT University CLICK HERE. Ranked 10 th on India today's list of top engineering colleges
In my last my post I was very civil in my description about VIT University, so this time I have decided to describe everything from a different perspective
As far as academics is concerned VIT University is more than respectable. It offers opportunities for you to push those big ideas through but beware of those try to hitch a ride on your shoulders.
As in most colleges the assignments completed as a group task. VIT University follows a semester system, the odd semester feel really long and even semester gets over before you know it.
One thing that one should be careful about is the attendance. They are very strict about it, 75% or else bye bye. There is always a way out of every thing in VIT, the path generally hurts your pocket.
Some good news for freshers is that ragging is an offense which is taken very seriously.
Attractions of Main Campus

The VIT University campus is huge, but thankfully there are shaded walkways to shade you from the ever present blazing Vellore sun. The weather is rarely pleasant.

There are 3 places to eat on Campus. The VIT University food court near Technology Tower, Canteen & Quick bytes. In the VIT food court you get almost all varieties of food, but be warned looks can be deceiving. Canteen is purely vegetarian here I suggest the lunch meal, it is a sumptuous south Indian thali. Quick bytes is the place to go for fast food I suggest the barbeque roll and cakes such as black forest . Note all these palaces get extremely crowded during lunch.
My favorite place on the campus is the main basketball court, right behind the Anna auditorium. It is the number one hang out spot on campus, also one of the most picturesque courts you will ever see. It is the only sport played in the main campus.
Other sports facilities in VIT University include football field, cricket field, Olympic size swimming pool, a large number of badminton courts, floodlit basketball & volleyball courts and floodlit tennis courts.
- You can be suspended and fined for being present at the site of ragging or for not doing anything to stop ragging.
- You can not sit anywhere on campus
- A boy and girl cannot site together on any of the benches near the basketball court.
- A large percentage of the people playing basketball on campus do it because it is a shortcut to fame at VIT University
- There is no such thing as O D in VIT University ( subject to department)
- There is no internet connection or LAN provided by the college in the hostels (private LAN wires are considered illegal)
- There is a helipad in the middle of the stadium (concrete)
- The field used for cricket and football is the same.
- Concerts in VIT University are held with barriers that separate boys and girls
- TASMAC is the place most visited by VIT students (go to VIT and find out what I mean)
yup..those are definitely some of the things that they don't tell you before you go to VIT :) You've forgotten about the girls' in-time and that weird hostel card system we had! Name entered in the register every time the girl enters and leaves the campus..along with the time!
they r true and sound good to me.
I have heard the institute provides
a email id to every student n if there is no net whats the use of the id
how r the placements there .whats the avearage packages there n ya can we keep guitar or other musical instruments with us
yes can keep musical instruments with you ... I assure it is not as bad as central jail it is better than 95% of the hostels in country ... placements do not worry I do not know how things are effected by this economic downturn but trust me if it is bad in VIT its bad everywhere .... packages change from year to year
Just tell me where do u rank VIT in India's top Engineering colleges.I have a GATE 91% and I am planning an M.Tech course in VIT.Do all the companies come as mentioned in the Brochure(microsoft and google )come for the campus recruitment..? if yes please tell me the packages they offer(Max and Min).
hey. Im a student in America. and my parents want me to attend VIT in 2 years. I want to kno more about your exprience? and how u liked it.
yes all the above sted companies do come to VIT ... but I am not so sure about the quality of the Mtech program at VIT.. the pay packages will be more than competitive...
going to VIT ... considering that u have lived in th US .. It might rather a radical transition but I think it would be the case if you go to any college in INdia... but as far as my experience goes .. I had absolute ball of a time ....
Can you tell me why do the info brochure say that the tuition fees for Btech is 69000 after consession.
Does this mean we have to pay more than 69000? (other than library & special fees)
Hey ,
I am working in dell international and I have got a rank of 372 in VITMEE (They asked me not to write the exam coz of gate score) Now I see that I have read about a blog which is truth about VIT and It was really shocking...please guide me.do you think i should leave dell and Join VIT..? I have the Guts to write gate once again and get in IIT Bombay...please ssuggest
hey.. tell me more about MASTI stuff there.. night life , sneak outs and is there a fine even for a conversation with girls.... ;)
Based on the few cases that I came across few days ago, I really doubt if VIT would value for merit/meritorious students and if they are trust worthy. This bothers me a lot and making me uncomfortable; I am rethinking about going ahead in continuing him with VIT.
I have admitted my son to VIT for this academic year 2011-12. His rank was around 9000 range and wanted Mech. Engg. (specl. in Automative), Mech Engg (specl. in Energy) or Mech Engg. in the order mentioned. Finally, he opted for Mech Engg (specl. in Chemical Process), because, by the time his turn came at the counselling desk, which was based on the rank, those programme were filled. Then, we were directed to the hostel accommodation process and only “Non A/C six bedded rooms” were available by the time his turn came and he had no choice but to accept it. The admissions were over for upto 12,000 ranks and the rest had to go back as there were no seats; students upto 16,000 ranks were called for counselling. They have followed a full transparent system in telecasting the available seats live. Every one know on real time basis how many seats are filled, how many are available in each branch and in each campus, who is taking what programme, what is his rank, etc…..
During the counselling, there were repeated questions from the parents about management quota and what could happen to the seats that would become vacant when the candidates didn’t join after accepting provisional admission offer. The reason for this question by most of the parents were, because, as AIEEE results were yet to be announced, considerable potential candidates who would be joining in NITs also should be accepting admission offer, to be in safe. Then, not joining VIT, which would result in large number of seats getting unfilled.
The pro chancellor kept repeating tirelessly and asserting, without any hesitation, to the gathering of around 2000 students & parents that there was nothing called management quota and if the student did not join after accepting the offer, the seat would remain vacant and will not be either given a chance /upgraded to the next rank student or will not be filled with management quota; there was no 2nd or 3rd counselling in VIT. He also asserted that their admission process is very transparent and only based on the ranking obtained in VITEEE. He made this statement quite number of times on that day and, I was sure, he would have continued the same during previous and next counselling days.
Most of us present were very happy, impressed and took his statements to its core value and really felt happy to admit our wards to VIT as it was such a public announcement/ statement by a very responsible and key official of VIT management. In addition, the campus was impressive.
When I come across few cases of close friends, I was very much upset and suspect their true motto, their true sprit and their true commitment.
Case#1: My friend’s son could not through in VIT ranking, not even with in the eligible rank of 16,000 for appearing in counselling process. His rank was above 1lakh; around 1.70 lakh students wrote the VITEEE 2011. My friend and his other two friends of the same school approached the institute at later dates, after counselling processes were over, for their sons’ admissions, paid more (in the form donation plus accepted to pay higher tuition fee and hostel fee every year) and got the programme that was of their choice and A/C double room accommodation.
Case#2: Son of my wife’s college wanted to do Law; he is an average student. So, he did not even write VITEEE entrance exam. But, latter he wanted to engineering. They had approached the management and got the seat in ECE and A/C single room for huge money paid upfront and higher tuition & hostel fee every year.
Case#3: Son of a fellow of my colony is studying in 7th semester (ECE) in VIT. He advised me that I could bribe people there for A/C double bedded room and that was how he got the room type he wanted.
Balance fee had to be paid on 23 Jun 2011 and original certificates had to be submitted to confirm the admission. I went on 23 June 2011 and completed the above formalities to confirm the admission. During that time I asked them if the programme of my son’s choice be given as there could be few vacant seats by then. It was the last day and surely that management would have a feel of vacant seats. The person again confirmed that as told during in the counselling the vacant seats would remain as vacant and it would not filled.
I am sure, now, all the vacant seats will be filled through such ugly means. If they are in good spirit they would have given a chance to meritorious students to exercise the option and filled the vacant seats through 2nd/3rd counselling; In fact they had called the students for counselling upto rank 16,000. But they must be filling the vacancies through such ugly process – to students who had not written VITEEE, not well with in the eligible ranking of 16,000, and even to the eligible rank holders by taking money
I am not against any management quota or NRI quota. Every private institute has some percentage, say 10%. So, it should have earmarked a reasonable percentage of quota of total seats sanctioned and fill only those seats for the above category without grabbing the seats meant for the students in the merit list, which would, otherwise, affect the morale of the meritorious students. VIT would have done this, if it was in the good spirit and wanted/committed to build the institute of world class/ of national importance,
By this act, VIT is fundamentally hitting the heart of parents and students (and their honesty & hard work), disappointing them heavily as well as failed to build trust among present and future potential parents & students.
By this way of their act, we can clearly understand what kind of environment VIT is providing.
Are they conveying, “If you cannot pay come on merit and get whatever available. If you can pay, pay and get what you want, not necessarily to be a meritorious student”?
Why can’t it be publicized with full details of quota, if they have or intend to execute the manner through they would fill the vacancies?
Why should the management make such public statement to the gatherings of parents and students and create a wrong impression that VIT would honor only merit?
Why should they cheat the meritorious students who had spent a lot of time, energy, hard work and took the pain of writing the entrance exam to succeed and obtained the merit rank?
First of all, why should they conduct such entrance exam, when they would not like to honour meritorious students?
Why should any one believe/trust to whatever they claim, such as, faculty quality, foreign university MOUs/affiliations, placements statistics & quality, etc…
Why will not they go to any extent to bribe the concerned agencies to get the grants, approvals, impressive rankings, etc… without having required facilities and infrastructure and fool the students & parents?
How could the sensitive young minds cope up & morally up to succeed in such environment when they felt cheated and realised they could not get due value/respect for their honest hard work and pain taken for securing the merit.
Why can’t VIT charge more, if it is not financially viable to run the institute with merit students; people will be willing to pay premium to some extent for quality.
These facts got old ages ago.. If you are still interested in the topic then get the new facts and update ur page and lot more has happened over the years
I am a student studying in VIT. Trust me. Do not come here for your studies. Teachers have zero subject knowledge, a series of useless tests will leave you with no time to work on your own ideas. The fests here are waste of time as only a few events are beneficial and considering a population of 28000 people you can estimate your probability of getting enrolled for those events. Hostel blocks are like jails and girls have to face huge discrimination when compared to boys. As such there is no restriction on the two mingling with one another. Labs are just for namesake and any action you do will lead you for your suspension for 1 semester.
I am from the u.s and my parents want me to attend vit is it better than manipal, srm, psg
I'm Vidyut
I got 36000-37000 rank. Would I be able to get Mechanical (Automotive) in VIT 2015.
Reply me soon please it's urgent
My email- Vidi.k3212@gmail.com
Is there Wi-Fi connection in hostel?
Why should any one believe/trust to whatever they claim, such as, faculty quality, foreign university MOUs/affiliations, placements statistics & quality, etc… on VIT University
What shit is this... Are you in a college or jail... M a giving my jee ,viteee etc this year is 2018... Should I opt for vit if I get admission as this sounds ridiculous
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