It has been nearly a month since I have got to the US. I still feel just the same as I did on my first day here... CONFUSED!!! Confusion appears to be on the top of the list of emotions that come to mind. The confusion is along the lines of hmm...what am I suppose to do now???
I seem to be left either searching for answers or speechless in most cases.
Let me start with where I live:
I have a roomie who picked up scented candles to meditate because he saw something similar in the movie "blade". How do you meditate looking at a candle ??? are your eyes not suppose to be closed??

My roomies and I made tandoori chicken last weekend and I know it was good because they were other people i.e neighbours who ate it and lived. But I can not still figure out the right proportion of rice and water to cook rice. Guess what, the advice I get compounds my misery. One guy answered " 1.5 cups of rice with 3.2 cups of water" I mean what is 3.2????
I am sick of people asking me why did you leave Google ?? because frankly I am beginning to ask myself the same. It really hurts to pay for stuff like pringles lays pepsi and tons of other stuff one gets in the office. Guys enjoy every single moment over there trust there is nothing that gets close to the Google expierence.
Class has started and I am constantly thinking " damn these guys are soon going to find out that I dont belong here". The professors here really know what they are talking about but most of the time I am experiencing OHT ( Over Head Transmission ).
And for some reason most Indian's here, appear to suffer from a case of identity crisis including me. I seem to be struggling to find the right balance between " fitting in " and " being who or what I am ". It is feels like it is war between the lines " when in Rome behave like a Roman" and " Never forget where you come from".
People here cannot think of India beyond the lines chicken curry and BPO's and I really did not like it at first but come on what do we know about them ?? What we see on TV and mainly the birthplace of Mcdonalds and coke right. So it is our job to paint a complete picture for them
right...but for some reason we are very hesitant of doing that and I cannot seem to figure out why??
I know this has to be the most random collection of thoughts ever posted by me on my blog.
hey... random collection of thoughts is not a bad thing... every1 has the right to be confused for sumtime... esp wen u r alone and in another country and have a roomie who likes scented candles :P
take it a day at a time re... and u knw u r always welcome back here :D
dude mohith mark my words...6 months later u'll read this post and u' ll laugh over it.. till then try to cheer up and enjoy :) u made the right decision...chillax
by far ur best post....I really can see the confusion....especially when u said "India's" why the apostrophe~(whatver that is) and from when did common become the word for khamaan rather come on..... dude over head transmissions are good as long as you are getting the power....:)
firstly..to make rice, the ratio is-
secondly-all of us are confused thruout our lives..u made the right the choice..trust me..and take assurance from the fact that u can always go back to google..prolly they'll offer u a better position back there once u graduate from A&M..
thirdly-it takes time to adjust to new ppl and surroundings..give it time..i've learned to be patient from my 'past experiences'..
hope this comment helps :)
hey... advice and all pointers about language are welcome... thanks guys
hey.....ul get over these intial hiccups in a matter of months.....after a month or so ul start thinkin abt btr things to wry....everyoder prob dat u face now wud be nothin after abt a sem and ul get used to over head transmissions and wud b either numb r get accustomed to dat....
Reg ur views on ppls thts on India, the ones vch u posted r nothin compared to wat i wuz asked at the place wer i interned.....
Are marriages in India still the arranged kind.....just out of curiosity i wanted to know what they meant by arranged marriage n got the answer "Marriages for children under the age of 10 arranged thru a family friend of the bride n the groom"...
Beat that......
no kidding i was asked regarding the arrange marriage in Italy too. but please from where did this crap of 10 years of age come in. they really find it strange that we obey r parents too much.
and what mohith, only chicken curry and BPO's what about TAJ MAHAL and Mahatma Gandhi.Dont they ask u bout that. People here talk these two more than chicken curry.
Hey mohith!
I dont know...but this seems like a funny post...
and ofcourse...people are here to create confusion...life would be too dull otherwise.:P
@vicky: true words. no confusion there.
"pringles lays pepsi"
This was one thing in that whole post that made me laugh out loud!!
Just thought I will ruin ur poignancy :D
Hey Just read this one...
Ironic enough I am munching on Pringles and drinking Pepsi!!
So scented candles and all now eh.. what next I wonder. Has your roomie gotten used to your queer ways yet??
And I can't believe you made anything.. haha your mum would be so proud!!
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