About 3 months back I was basking in the glory of receiving a juicy Q1 bonus while at Google. I was living the good life, a Pepsi in my hand ( which seems to be really hard to find here as Coke seems to have taken over everything here), free food ( chaat) a free ride to office, playing sports at office, after office, at offsites and basically all the perks of being a Googler. For all you people who are not from Google, an employee of Google is called aGoogler.

But what followed was a case of.... hmmm I still am trying to figure out why I did .. what I did?? I quit Google to pursue a Masters degree. I know what you going to say please lets just skip those obvious questions. Also I have got to the point now that I tell people I was working TCS ( no disrespect to TCS) but yeah generally people do not ask much after that one statement so I like it. The reason for this being I had reached breaking point when some one here asked me, if it was the call center division that I had worked for???

Basically long story short I got to the US . Then as one among the million plus Indian students over here I started my hunt for an on campus job so as to ease the burden on my pocket. I was pretty confident of me finding a job why?? I was from Google and I can not possibly not find a job right. Wrong !! I got rejected all most all technical jobs I applied for Why?? because I was over qualified I am not kidding even for jobs that I had no clue about, like stuff to do with PHP and dreamweaver. They actaully mailed saying that I ( technologically challenged Mohith) was over qualified (Josh stop laughing).

Yes my life had flip 180 in three months I had gone from the guy on the outside looking in to the guy on the inside dying to get out. Worst are the line's you get from people " dont wory re it is all an expierence" You know what dont give me those cliched dialogues. It is not okay !!! beacuse stading for 4 hours straight cleaning tables mopping the floor is not okay!!
Honestly I would love to quit but one has to pay the bill. So I will prolong my agony till... whenever I guess. I do come back from work and look at snaps from my time at Google and think atleast I can say I have been there not many others who can do that right!!
Dude...patience man
Its a virtue.
Just realised that. by the way strange you are never over qualified to work in a diner. And it is one industry which retains as people have to eat!
Met a few Telugu guys here in Dublin( don ask me how...duh!). Even worse story. will tell u in detail. atleast to make you feel better.
16 months to go, and you can come back here :)
You're always welcome.
Maybe you'll end up writing a book like this guy : www.waiterrant.net . He's this waiter who used to blog. Now he wrote a book ! He writes really well. You should go look up his archives.
Dignity of labor bro.. That said tell me the name of the diner. I have to have a meal there if I ever make it..
Good to see you have started blogging. Hey BTW you know you can have adsense on your blog now right. ;)
Restaurant name please... If I ever come by that way I can probably give you a tip,just like what Jayan has said.
And yes-patience! The technically challenged guys rule the world[I couldn't stop laughing when I read that bit of the post hahahaha].
Dude he writes really well man!!!... his book in sixth print...looks like he is on dream run man!
And probably we all can go one day.... as a part of GSOC..... global team offsite in college station... And make our friend rich! :P
hehehahahaah sorry for laughing man!! yah that job u describe sucks big time..and m NOT going to console u :D..but i will say..quit that effing job if that bothers u so much..u hardly have any expenses if u are staying at texas..enjoy dude..hmm also not that u prolly did not try..but was wondering...did u not look in the libraries??/grader positions??
lol, interesting read. and yes - there is always the two cents. now that you are back to studying, it is best to learn the process behind a diner. its a pretty damn good business, sure shot success formula if u get it right. learn to scrub and clean, then the logistics, the PR and saving over expenditure. use the opportunity to learn. it will definitely help some where in life. you are not given an opportunity with out a reason.
hey all... thanks for your support
Lol... Mohit is working in a diner.. WHY am I not surprised???:p Lol... Seriously, Mohito.. U ever mistreated Chhotu??? Now its coming back on you.. Lol.. Just kidding.. It's a good job, re.. As it pays the bill.. What more do you need! Ro is right.. No one is ever overqualified to be working in a diner.. :)
Not gonna give you cliches -- but you could take a page out of Hana's book and do something online. Gawd knows that perhaps you'll be able to get a hold of some project.
Or, of course, you could TA brats. Maths and Physics always seem to have openings, I wonder why?
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